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Spoken English

English is the second most widely-spoken language in the world. Having a grasp of it provides many opportunities in life. In an increasingly globalised world, being able to communicate in English makes it easier to reach more people. It is a common language that brings people together. In order to visit or study abroad, a basic understanding of English is required. The Spoken English Program at DreamConsultants, the best Spoken English Classes in Vadodara, is designed to hone language skills and help people speak confidently. It covers topics such as effective listening and speaking, speaking on the spot and interactive sessions.


At the start of this course, you will learn to communicate using English phrases in daily situations. We will guide you through understanding the meaning of words in context and with examples.

Our interactive classes and activities will help you make friends and gain confidence in speaking. We offer exercises to help you listen to both native and non-native speakers and pronounce words correctly. We are here to support you and




At the completion of this course, you'll have gained the following:


Be able to converse in English fluently.

Improved pronunciation and fluency

Enhanced English vocabulary.

Examine how different cultures shape the way people communicate with one another.

Show the most suitable form of body language for varied cultural contexts.

Know sentence formations, questions, and responses for different settings and situations

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