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Visitor Visa

There has been a considerable rise in international travel in recent years. Many people travel for a variety of reasons, such as to visit family and friends, to explore new places, for business meetings, or for a vacation. A visitor visa is a short-term visa that allows for a one-time or multiple-time entry into a foreign country for a maximum of six months. The duration of a multiple-entry visa may vary from country to country. This type of visa allows for easy re-entry. Dream Consultants can help with the application process, including documentation of the applicant and sponsor, booking of flights and accommodation, visa procedures, and interview training (if required by the embassy). We have experience with numerous types of visitor visas, including business visas and emergency visas.


We offer visitor visas for Canada, Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom. A great number of our advisors have had the opportunity to visit these countries, so they possess an intimate knowledge of them and can provide you with accurate guidance.


The general policy framework for Visitor Visas is the same across all countries, although there may be slight alterations in the documentation and application process. These general guidelines are:


  • Genuine purpose of visit


  • Travel history of the applicant


  • Established homes ties of the applicant social and professional


  • Sponsorship documentation and funds


  • Status of sponsor and relation


  • with sponsor


  • Funds available and financial background of the applicant


  • Proof of accommodation and flight tickets


It is necessary to adhere to the shared principles, but it is also critical to adhere to the specific wants of each nation for the most successful outcomes.

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